
Saturday, July 5, 2014

Part Two "How it All Began"

If you missed Part One click here

I've always envisioned myself becoming a successful women. My dream in life was to live in New York City, make tons of money, and look fabulous while doing it. If you know me personally you would know that I am a fashionista at heart. I love to dress up really pretty ALL the time, it's just who I am and I wouldn't have it any other way. Living in New Jersey worked for me because I fit right in with the people that I surrounded myself with. So when I found out where I'd be living for the next three years, you will understand my surprise.

I can still hear Jacks voice in my head as he says, "Your not going to be too happy about this, it's not what you think. We're moving to a place called Barstow." "Barstow?!" Where is that, I thought to myself? I quickly researched it on my phone and It was not what I envisioned California to be like at all. That's when reality sunk in. My heart sank to my feet, and it really hit me. I am really moving across the country in a month and it's the furthest way from city living you can get. It was more like desert living! My life was really about to change in a drastic way. At that moment all I could do was cry, and I sure did! I ran to the bathroom at work and let it all out, I cried like a baby!

I remember calling Veronica, one of my best friends, and telling her what had just happened to me. She was the only person I could talk to that would understand me, she too was a military wife. I remember freaking out over the phone to her, complaining to her that I cound´t leave! I had a job and a ton of responsibilities to take care off. It wasn't my fault that they were moving Jack, why should I have to deal with the consequences! I can still hear her voice in my head as she says, ¨Lola, what are you saying?!? This is your husband we´re talking about, you have to go with him. You knew this could be a possibility. This is military life, you go where your told, no questions asked.¨ Those words hit me like a truck, piercing my heart like a dagger. This was really going to happen and there was nothing I can do about it.

That month was one of the saddest times of my life. I remember, I would drive to and from work everyday and tears would just run down my face. I would think about what I was giving up and the unknown really scared me. I would call my dad and cry like a little girl, telling him I didn't want to leave! I wanted to stay in Jersey where home was, I didn't want to leave everything I had behind. I worked hard to get to where I was and in less then a month it would be a distant memory. What was I going to do, stay in Jersey and give up the love of my life, possibly risking my marriage? Of course not! I'm not gonna lie though, the idea did cross my mind. But then reality soon kicked in and that wasn't going to happen.

Needless to say it was a hectic month and crying about it was not going to change anything. So I put my big girl heels on and headed towards the next chapter in my life. I lived in Barstow for about three years and it wasn't a bad experience. There were some bumps along the road, but that part of my life is another story for another day. Time passed and we eventually had to move again and we moved to San Diego. Which is where I currently live now. I have to say that when I think back, my life has been an interesting journey. There were a lot of ups and downs and now that I think about it, I wouldn't change any of it. It truly has helped shape me into the women I am today.

This is where I end my story today. Hopefully you enjoyed reading a piece of my life. Writing about it has really brought back a ton of memories and emotions that I haven't felt in awhile. I am glad I was able to share some of that with you. It still seems a bit surreal to me, this life of mine.

Sincerely Yours,

Check out "The Love of my Life"

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