
Monday, August 25, 2014

Barstow Part 1

Leaving New Jersey was SO devastating for me, it was one of the saddest times of my life. You don't know how much you love people or appreciate them like you should. Until you don't have them around, like your use to. My life was about to enter a different world and it was so far away from who I was. I was going to live a life that was completely different then what I was used to living. Don't get me wrong I was excited about coming out to California, but also so scared and sad at the same time.

I remember the day we drove into Barstow, all I could do was stare out the window with my eyes wide open. I was not used to this kind of living at all. Don't get me wrong it wasn't a horrible place but it was the furthest thing from city living you can get! I was use to the city life. You know a lot of people, streetlights, noise, sirens and sometimes even crime lol. The moment I drove in I immediately started missing Jersey. The ability to get up and go to NYC, party with friends, and live glamorously was officially over. If you haven't been to Barstow, it's located right between LA and Vegas which is right in the middle of the desert.

You know what a desert is, right? Cactus, tumble weed, scorpions all that crap, oh yeah and tons of sand! SMH! The fact of the matter was, I was going into a completely different world.

I lived in Barstow for three years and it wasn't too bad, their definitely were some memorable moments and interesting experiences. Now that I think about it, it truly was a blessing in disguise for both Jack and I. Career wise it was a great move for Jack, he was able to take on a leadership role and excel while doing it. And that's where I became pregnant and was a brand new mother to an amazing little boy. I met some really great people from all walks of life, which was pretty cool. It definitely was a great experience, although, in the beginning it was hard for me to adjust to.

It was super tough for me the first couple of months. Trying to adapt to this new life was not easy for me. I even flew back East after only two months to get away for bit. Jack and I fought a lot because I was just so miserable. I felt like he had taken me away from who I was and now, I was just some military wife who stays home all day. It was hard for me because I was used to making my own money, working, hanging with friends, shopping and now I was home with nothing to do. Not to mention I had a closet full of goodies that I couldn't wear! The worst part was, because it was practically in the middle of nowhere the job selection was scarce and practically nonexistent. So not only was I lonely but getting a job wasn't so easy, unless you wanted to work in fast food. And that was not an option for me, considering I had a Master’s degree.

I will say that the most interesting part about living in good ole Barstow, were the people. I met some great people and made friends that I cherish near to my heart. Friends that I would have never met or know if it weren’t for the military. It's so funny to me when I think back to that time in my life. In the beginning I stuck out like a sore thumb, you have no idea! The way I dressed and carried myself was not what they were use too. I would never leave the house without four inches heels and of course looking super fab and glam. Hey, I came from Jersey we do everything big and loud there. You go to the grocery store in heels. Even when I was pregnant I would wear heels and people looked at me like I was crazy.

True Story! Our first Holiday Christmas party for Jack's job was the worst ever! I thought a Christmas Party, finally something fun to do. I was so excited to finally get all dressed and fabulous for an event. I remember that night clear as day. I walked in and everyone was in flip flops and shorts. I was like WTF! It's a Christmas party why are you not dressed up! I was so pissed! I stuck out like such a sore thumb, all glammed up in five inch red patent leather heels six months pregnant! I remember walking in and I felt like everyone just stopped and stared at me, as if I was from out of this world. Pregnant and in heels. Needless to say I definitely had to tone my wardrobe down a couple notches.

This is where I end the first part of my story. Barstow wasn't too bad. Now that, that part of my life is a distant memory. I can really appreciate it for what it was. It will forever and always be a chapter in my life and a story to tell.

Sincerely Yours,

If you missed “How it all Began” click here and “The Love of My Life” click here.